



This Article is about my experience on the tasks given.


This journey was literally a different type of experience casue i havent been through this any often.Every tasks make a new path towards COMPUER SCIENCE.

When i was in 7th i used to imagine how a computer works.Slowly i came to know that the CPU is the head of a computer as a brain is like to a human.Thats when i thought , inside our body(a human body), the brain is not only the processor but do have many different types of nerves and many other receptors which transfers the messages from brain to other parts of the body….So likely that the CPU is only the processing unit of the computer and there are billions other works/processing happening too ……If there is not motherboard for a pc,there wouldnt be even a CPU which could exist and could have made the PC work.Thats when i understood that the there are different types of processing inside the computer.#This is my the starting of my interest into the world of PCs.

Once i was thinking about how technology grows onn and onn and onn.Thats when i got an idea that Hardware are the basics components for a software.Cause without an hardware there aint any softwares and vice versa……How would it be if you had a computer which had no OS(operating system) in it ? Impressive!!!This made me more curious on how hardware and softwares work,and by experimenting this one i ended up uninstalling my windows completely 🤭🤭

Thats when i came to know more about the technologies existinig in this world,and also its major impact .This made me furious on to making somethng new in this world which could help people in the right way.(ofc all the technology existing do have a merits and demerits).I wasnt sure on where to start my path from,and by the by my JEE didnt end up well which is why i chose Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.

While i was researching on the college life ( ofc college life has to be the best one) at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, i found that there are two clubs in my college(Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,amritapuri campus) which were ranked amound the best clubs in Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham to join, and they were mainly Amfoss and BIoS which were Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,amritapuri campus……..This made me change my mind and started work on the tasks given by Amfoss(this is the 3rd time trying to get into this club…….PS:I am curious to get into the club goisss🤭🤭) and BIoS….I wasnt much interested in securities,so which made me more vigilant on doing tasks which were given by Amfoss and if u woule like to take a look at all of my tasks that i have done Click Here.

In this journey of doing the tasks given by Amfoss , i learned tons and tons of new things which i never even knew existed.This is how i am now Motivated to get into the club and also very curious to learn more and more things

Amfoss would not only be a great club but also a Central library ♎ in the world of Technologies for the students in the university. This is the best journey towards technology i had till now and there are tons of new things that i need to learn in the terms of “Technology” as technology will grow more and more in this world.

This is myoverall experience that i had in the making of all the tasks given by Amfoss.

**Thanks to Amfoss**